Wednesday, 19 September 2012

An Open letter to black/afro/ethnic salons 1

This is a very long list for me so this blog post will have number one of a possible 100.

           1: Hair Salons seem to have a hairdresser revolving door.

I am not sure if salon owners realise what makes a good salon. Contrary to popular belief,  it is not the fancy shop front and swiveling chairs.  (I am not disputing the fact that looks matter or how would we explain explain the cute but dumb guys always getting dates.)
So dearest salon owners, I will spell it out for you THE HAIRDRESSERS make the salon. I would like to go to a salon and find the same good hairdressers. If I go in and someone does my hair really well, I would love to find them there next time. I hate to go back and have somebody else attempt to recreate what they never even saw  as they worked somewhere else at the time.
The only staff members salons seem to retain are the salon owners’ cousins and friends who are asked to wash your hair, like hair care is a  genetic thing. Hair care is a skill and should be considered as such.
So salons, please try and keep your staff happy in order to retain them because if they are good (which we presume is why you hired them), they will end up at another salon.(Probably the grubby looking one down the road) 
So if you want loyal customers, we want you to have loyal staff.



Let us know what you hate about salons. Add your comments, or add your tweets to #thingsihateaboutsalons


  1. I hate that I book an appointment and turn up to find my hair dresser has just started working on someone else!

    1. I hear you... why are appointments so difficult to make at black hairdressers?

  2. In Uganda, I hate hair dressers who do not seem to have enough water in their salons...washing hair with minimal water!

  3. I hate salons that do not have magazines, sensible TV (Nigerian films and Gospel channels do not qualify for good TV). I also hate a hair dresser who won't dish out gossip..;-)

  4. true... my pet hate though must be people who eat while doing my hair... and it is always greasy stuff. Giving staff proper lunch breaks would help.

    1. Especially after you have been there 6 hours and are at this point starving!

  5. Thanks guys, keep them coming.

  6. I hate salons that don't finish braiding your hair that very same day and when you turn up the next day to have it finished, they toss you around calling you "egolu" ( which is left over matooke that has spent the night).

  7. hate salons that have staff that gossip about every client that comes their way,unkempt staff that has to wash your hair with smelly armpits, wuuu cant stand that. when in kla mosa courts saloon has the best staff,i dont even get a commission for this am just telling whoever shares my concerns..hehe nice day ladies.

    1. Thanks Ann, I will try out mosa courts salon when I am next in Kampala.

    2. I'll definitely try Mosa Courts as well. I hate it when someone's smelly armpits are hovering over your face :(

  8. Isn't it amazing that salons get away with treating us like this? I am hoping that we can change this.
